Diane Whitehead​
Diane paints what she loves best: nature, animals and the culture of the American West. Her animals look you in the eye with a majesty and gentleness that create an instant bond. She has an uncanny way of drawing out the emotions and character of people on her canvas. At once elegant and whimsical, Diane’s creative energy touches our soul … and our sense of humor.
She is highly praised for her strong brushstrokes and bold use of color—both of which make her work come alive. Her influential style has been described as an “innovative blend of Fauvism and Post-Impressionism, coupled with a unique flavor of First Generation Abstract Expressionism.
To challenge oneself each day with new and improved subject and style is what I live for. I have endless amounts of inspiration each day – Montana has become such a huge part of who I am and what I see day to day. I also travel and am on the constant lookout for new and innovative ways to express my joy and exhilaration with life and all living things.